Category: Ambient Heat Exchangers

Cooling Down Control Panels with Air-to-Air Heat Exchangers

Without the need to chill electrical enclosures using air conditioning equipment, companies can save a significant amount of money on energy and maintenance costs. Yet, those benefits only matter if the replacement solution provides more efficient and reliable thermal management. Air-to-air heat exchangers, for instance, have helped Noren’s clients enjoy substantial savings in both energy… Read more »

Do Air-to-Air Heat Exchangers Protect from Contamination?

Among their many benefits, heat exchangers provide the advantage of utilizing forces like natural or forced convection to make electrical thermal management much simpler and less costly. Without the need for clunky air conditioning equipment, heat exchangers can keep air within an electrical enclosure flowing to prevent heat pockets from forming. Yet, it may not… Read more »

Advantages of Ambient Heat Exchangers

For your home, office, or automobile, air conditioning may be a necessity to beat the heat and stay comfortable. Electrical equipment doesn’t operate on the same principles. Circuits and components can overheat if not properly cooled, but the heat is not from the environment; it’s the waste energy that electrical equipment emits as it operates…. Read more »

Eliminating Contamination in Air Cooled Heat Exchangers

Electronic devices are typically housed in closed panels to avoid air and moisture contamination that could erode electrical components. Small cabinets also make it less costly to keep electrical panels cooled as they operate; however, being enclosed makes it necessary to keep the air conditioning on constantly. In many cases, the costs of controlling that… Read more »

Air-to-Air vs. Air-to-Water Heat Exchangers: Which Are Better?

The waste heat that electronics give off can damage circuits and other components. In many cases, though, controlling that heat doesn’t necessarily require chilling the entire enclosure, which means air conditioners and compressed air coolers are often unnecessary. A better alternative is to keep the air cool by dissipating the heat emanating from the circuits…. Read more »

Air-to-Air Heat Exchangers Cool Electrical Panels More Efficiently

Technology takes energy, and as such, it produces heat. Like an engine in your car, the circuit boards and electrical panels that power today’s tools and toys all generate waste heat. At Noren, our mission is to custom-design effective thermal management solutions on all scales to keep our clients’ systems running smoothly and efficiently. Those… Read more »