Category: Hazardous Locations

Thermal Solutions When Electrical Cooling Is Hazardous

Over the years, the ability to maintain efficient and reliable electrical cooling processes has become increasingly more attainable for companies in nearly all industries. This is thanks largely to the introduction of heat exchangers and their more natural, eco-friendly cooling processes. Heat exchangers helped companies achieve the consistent cooling of electrical enclosures with optimal results… Read more »

Safer and More Efficient Cooling in Hazardous Locations

In every industry, a company’s use of technology comes with several different considerations. For example, all forms of technology require energy to operate, and implementing any technological applications means appropriating a sufficient amount of energy to consistently power it. Within some industries, however, there are more considerations than usual, particularly those that involve companies operating… Read more »

Better Thermal Management in Hazardous Locations

For many years, heat exchangers have provided the kind of streamlined, efficient, and highly effective thermal management that some of the most advanced electrical applications require. For companies in most industries, this has proven a highly advantageous advancement; unlike traditional cooling solutions, the use of heat exchangers has helped them save significantly on expenditures such… Read more »

Streamlining Thermal Management in Hazardous Locations

All industries have their unique considerations when it comes to their use of technology. Their specific technological solutions, processes, and investments all differ, but in all industries, companies seek to improve the efficiency, reliability, and safety of their technologies to be more competitive. In industries that operate in hazardous locations, utilizing technology to its ultimate… Read more »

When Heat Exchangers Are Used in Hazardous Locations

Heat exchangers have long been recognized for the benefits they bring to manufacturing and other industries. Their ability to streamline electrical cooling has been the source of significantly reduced costs and improved efficiency in many different areas. However, the benefits that heat exchangers provide are much more pronounced in some industries than they are in… Read more »

How Heat Exchangers Can Be As Tough As You Need Them

Modern heat exchangers have inherent value when it comes to handling most common electrical thermal management needs. For example, the natural way they handle electrical waste heat while minimizing a company’s need for energy and downtime for maintenance and repairs has created significant cost savings across virtually every industry. That inherent value has been expanded… Read more »

How Do Companies Cool Enclosures in Hazardous Conditions?

For decades, heat exchangers have become an increasingly more popular solution for companies to keep their electrical control panels and other enclosures properly cooled. As they strive to streamline operations, lower their reliance on energy, and reduce their overall costs, the innovative thermal management solutions have proven a valuable resource. However, for some companies, improved… Read more »

Safer Electrical Cooling in Hazardous Locations

For companies in most industries, it’s been a fairly long time since electrical thermal management was such a burden. In the decades since heat exchangers and other custom thermal solutions have gained a hold, they’ve transformed the way companies approach thermal management and the costs that were often associated with it. However, that hasn’t been… Read more »

Are Heat Exchangers as Effective in the Oil & Gas Industry?

Some technological concepts transcend industries and become staples of operations in virtually all of them. For decades, heat exchangers and other custom thermal solutions have been just a concept. Their advanced, highly efficient thermal management methods have benefited companies in fields ranging from manufacturing and production to medical and other high-performance technologies, and much more…. Read more »

Customized Cooling in Extreme, Hazardous Conditions

Electrical thermal management has come a long way over the last several decades, and most industries can thank heat exchangers for much of that advancement. By introducing the concept of transferring electrical waste heat instead of relying on more costly and complicated HVAC methods, heat exchangers made it possible for companies to substantially lower the… Read more »