Faster Heat Exchanger Production with In-House Manufacturing

Much like the thermal management solutions they produce, today’s heat exchanger manufacturers have taken leaps and bounds in optimizing their processes thanks to advanced technology. For example, digital design and analysis technology has allowed for increasingly higher precision and, consequently, more effective results in the design and creation of innovative heat exchangers. Likewise, automated technology and smaller, more powerful manufacturing equipment allows for companies to combine every step of the heat exchanger manufacturing process in-house. (more…)

Could Heat Exchangers Help Impact Rising Medical Costs?

These days, every industry feels the pressure of rising costs across the board, from energy and operating costs to raw materials and labor. However, few industries compare to the skyrocketing prices that ripple throughout the healthcare industry, which is why it is one of the most important fields in which to implement more efficient, reliable, and cost-effective solutions wherever possible. Because of this, heat exchangers have proven especially beneficial for hospitals and other healthcare organizations, as well as the companies that produce the high-performance technology used throughout such facilities. (more…)

Is Convection Really Enough to Cool Control Panels?

The most energy efficient way to prevent something from overheating is to allow heat to dissipate away from it. If it were possible to leave electronic components out in the open, then innovative thermal management solutions wouldn’t be as vital to modern technology. However, air-to-air heat exchangers often come as close as possible by utilizing natural and forced convection to prevent heat pockets from forming within electrical enclosures. For many applications, this is more than enough to keep technological equipment running continuously with minimal risks of heating issues, and with a minimal need for additional energy consumption. (more…)

2 Reasons Automated Tech Relies on Heat Exchangers

While automated technology has largely taken over a significant portion of many industries, its wide spread adoption was the culmination of several different technological developments. One of those is the ability to streamline electrical thermal management to provide constant, reliable cooling for technology that’s meant to run on its own. Besides creating technology that’s smart and powerful enough to make automation possible, such technology also requires equally smart and powerful solutions for dealing with electrical overheating. Because of their unique methods of transferring heat, heat exchangers have often been the most-relied upon thermal management solution for increasingly more advanced automated technology. (more…)

Thermal Management in the Food & Beverage Industry

Agriculture and food and beverage manufacturing have benefited greatly from advancing technology over the years. That includes the innovation of streamlined thermal management solutions, like heat exchangers, that can be employed for a wide variety of applications. Everything from electrical thermal management to the precise heating and cooling of various substances have all become much more efficient and reliable processes. Much like in every other industry, food and beverage companies have transformed the way they approach heating and cooling solutions thanks to the help of modern heat exchangers. (more…)

3 Reasons for 3D Prototyping in Heat Exchanger Manufacturing

The goal of any heat exchanger manufacturing company is to provide the highest quality thermal management solutions to all of its clients. In doing so, the implementation of rapid 3D prototyping has been a giant leap toward reducing hindrances such as inaccurate designs, prolonged manufacturing times, and excessive unforeseen costs. By rapidly printing prototypes of every heat exchanger unit and component before producing their final versions, makers of modern heat exchangers can ensure a higher level of quality for all of their products than ever before. (more…)

Cooling More with Less Energy Boosts Productivity

There are many ways to approach boosting productivity, and in most industries, thermal management is one of the most common ones. In the immediate term, for instance, implementing more eco-friendly thermal management solutions like heat exchangers can save companies on the costs of both energy and manpower. This means they not only improve the efficiency of electrical thermal management, but also the level of productivity in several other operations in multiple areas throughout the company. (more…)

Heat Exchangers Optimize Modern Technology Designs

Some concepts carry on from one technology to the next as they advance. For instance, the fact that electricity generates heat, and that most technology can easily be damaged by that waste heat. That fact is one of the reasons why heat exchangers have also carried on from earlier technologies to today’s innovative solutions, all while maintaining their ability to optimize electrical thermal management in a wide range of applications. Their influence has become so prominent that many systems now include heat exchanger technologies in their original design specs. (more…)

What Kinds of Costs Do Heat Exchangers Save?

These days, it’s no secret that electrical thermal management is a great area for companies to streamline operations and reduce overall costs. Once companies began replacing older, more conventional air conditioners with heat exchangers, these benefits became apparent. However, many companies are pleasantly surprised to learn that heat exchangers can provide significantly more benefits than they originally realized. Depending on their specific application, the more advanced thermal management units help companies save on costs in several different ways. (more…)

Are There Different Types of Heat Exchangers?

Since heat exchangers were introduced into manufacturing and other industries, companies finally have options for their various thermal management needs. Today, they have significantly more options thanks to the increasing variety of heat exchanger technologies. From ambient and below-ambient units to using varying combinations of natural/forced convection, conduction, and phase-change cooling, modern heat exchangers are designed to address virtually every consideration when it comes to advanced thermal management. That means more companies in more industries can benefit by implementing the right kind of heat exchanger for a variety of thermal management needs. (more…)