How 3D Printing Streamlines Heat Exchanger Manufacturing

As heat exchangers have advanced over the decades, they’ve taken on increasingly more roles in an ever-wider range of thermal management applications. That means manufacturers have learned to create an expansive range of heat exchanger types, each designed to accommodate the specific needs of certain, sometimes unique, applications. In the quest to continuously evolve their designs, heat exchanger manufacturers often employ advanced design and manufacturing techniques to ensure that every solution operates as designed. That often includes the use of 3D printing technology to create rapid prototypes that can be thoroughly tested before any unit goes into final production. (more…)

Heat Exchanger Applications Besides Cooling Enclosures

Properly cooling electrical enclosures by eliminating the waste heat inside of them is a fundamental necessity. If any piece of equipment overheats, then it can malfunction and interrupt or completely stop a company’s operations. Given the importance of cooling electrical enclosures, that process has become one of the biggest reasons why heat exchangers have become prominent aspects of many companies’ operational infrastructure. However, these days, thermal management takes on may different forms in modern manufacturing and other operations. In many cases, heat exchangers also help vastly improve these applications, as well. (more…)

Thermal Management – A Step Toward Eco-Friendly Operations

Of the many different areas where modern companies seek to be more eco-friendly, electrical thermal management is one of the more significant arenas. Nearly every company in every industry relies on technology to some degree. The solutions they utilize to maintain that technology’s operations, including its electrical thermal management solutions, play a significant role in its impact on the company’s overall footprint. For this reason, many companies focus on their electrical thermal management systems as an area in which they can significantly streamline their operations. In most cases, the results have spoken for themselves. (more…)

Making Liquid Cooling More Accessible

Of the many different ways to reduce electrical waste heat, liquid cooling has proven one of the most effective and efficient. For advanced computer processing and other high-performance, limited-space applications, liquid cooling offers some of the most precise and reliable thermal management solutions. However, traditional liquid cooling methods can often be costly to implement, and the science behind fine-tuning the system to meet an application’s specific parameters can be daunting for anyone who isn’t a thermal management expert. Fortunately, modern heat exchangers bring the significant advantages of advanced liquid cooling to applications that previously may not have been able to benefit from it. (more…)

Why Heat Exchangers Impact Productivity

The ability to cut their dependence on traditional electrical thermal management solutions was one of the main reasons companies throughout every industry have turned increasingly more to heat exchangers. However, streamlining their thermal management has proven beneficial far beyond eliminating air conditioners and air compressing units. Thanks to their ability to efficiently transfer high levels of electrical waste heat, and to do so safely and in an eco-friendly manner, heat exchangers have had a significantly more positive impact on everything from energy consumption to overall productivity, and more. (more…)

Different Ways Heat Exchangers Benefit Agriculture

Some industries may or may not grow due to several factors, such as consumer demand. However, agriculture is one of the few industries that are destined to expand as the world’s population continues to grow. That means the need for efficiency, productivity, safety, and innovation are especially important for agricultural organizations to keep up. Because thermal management plays many different vital roles in agriculture, advanced heat exchanger technology has become essential to the industry’s growth and sustainability. From properly cooling large equipment and machinery to ensuring a high level of quality through proper temperature control, heat exchangers continue to serve the agricultural industry in many significant ways. (more…)

The Importance of Efficient Wastewater Treatment

Wastewater treatment is just one of many ways in which companies have invested in making their overall operations more eco-friendly. In addition to reducing power consumption and implementing processes that produce less and less pollution, wastewater treatment processes have helped companies significantly lower their environmental footprints without dramatically impacting their overall productivity. For many companies, implementing wastewater treatment technologies is easier and more effective with the help of modern heat exchangers. With the advanced thermal management solutions’ ability to transfer electrical waste heat, heat exchangers have become an essential part of optimizing wastewater treatment without having to invest heavily in energy costs. (more…)

2 Reasons why Heat Exchangers Work in Hazardous Conditions

For most general operating conditions, heat exchangers have long been an obvious solution to providing efficient and eco-friendly electrical thermal management. However, for conditions that are more demanding and require an equal balance of high performance and optimal safety, heat exchangers don’t always seem like the most fitting solution. Nevertheless, many types of heat exchangers are now produced specifically for use in such conditions. They combine the advanced thermal management concepts of modern heat exchangers with the high-quality safety and ingress protection standards required to maintain optimal safety in hazardous conditions. (more…)

A Few Burdens that Heat Exchangers Make Lighter

For most industrial thermal management solutions, the testament to a thermal management system’s effectiveness is often how much or how little it impacts other vital systems. For example, an inefficient and/or costly thermal management solution can place burdens on the productivity of other technology and equipment, as well on the employees tasked with ensuring that operations run smoothly. Conversely, a thermal management system that optimizes costs and efficiency, such as heat exchangers, can have equally beneficial impacts on a variety of other things, many of which contribute significantly to a company’s overall success. (more…)

A Quick Look at How Ambient Heat Exchangers Work

These days, heat exchangers come in a wide range of varieties according to any given application’s specific needs. However, some of the first (and still the most popular) versions are ambient units that keep electrical enclosures cooled to just above the ambient temperature outside of them. At first, ambient cooling technology proved a highly viable and more affordable alternative to solutions such as air conditioning and air compressors. However, even as the technology has advanced, relatively simple ambient heat exchangers still remain popular and highly effective cooling solutions. (more…)