Passive Heat Exchange Safeguards Your Electronics

Taylor, TX, Heat ExchangerWhen you own or operate a business that relies heavily upon sensitive electronic equipment, protecting it from extreme heat is a high priority. This includes safeguarding your machinery from outside temperatures as well as the excess heat it produces itself. You must balance these concerns with other hazards such as water damage or infestation by common critters. To combat the latter threats, many business owners install electronic enclosures that provide coverage from physical interference. Closing these cabinets prevents water and woodland animals from coming inside, but in doing so, prevents internal temperatures from escaping outward. Fortunately, we can offer a solution that transfers excess heat to a safer location while keeping your cabinets closed. By inspecting your current enclosure setup, we can design a set of ambient heat exchangers that mount directly on existing cabinetry. Because this form of heat exchange simply transfers air to another location, it saves your bottom line considerably compared to traditional air conditioning.

At Noren Thermal Solutions, we have more than half a century’s worth of experience helping companies like yours protect their equipment from overheating. This can prevent the need for expensive repairs of critical infrastructure or productive time lost when servers go down. When you prepare for the possibility of a server shutting down, you can keep your chipsets running efficiently with updated cooling equipment.


Ambient Coolers Protect Electrical Equipment

Taylor, TX, Ambient Coolers

Do you own or operate a company that relies upon electrical cabinetry to protect your sensitive wiring? If so, you understand how necessary these devices are for preventing damage from outside sources. Small critters love nothing more than to form nests inside an open electrical enclosure. Once they move in, they risk disrupting your business by chewing through equipment. Worse yet, they can build nests that pose significant fire risks when situated next to the excess heat that your machinery gives off. Similarly, opening your cabinet to the outside air leaves openings for water damage to seek in, quickly short-circuiting your operation. That’s why closing your enclosures is best for protecting your business. However, shutting the door also cuts off the ability for excess temperatures to dissipate in the outside air. To prevent this from leading to an overheating situation, we can provide a set of ambient coolers that help you safely store heat waste elsewhere. Our versatile designs allow us to install a cooler for almost any configuration of cabinets you can imagine.

At Noren Thermal Solutions, we have been helping companies like yours protect their equipment from excess temperatures for over half a century. That means we have the experience necessary to quickly evaluate your needs and put into place a plan that works for you. While traditional air conditioning systems can certainly cool your cabinetry or computer servers, they can become quite costly when temperatures become extreme. Our alternative solutions employ passive cooling to keep your equipment safe without expanding your bottom line. (more…)

Rely Upon Cold Plates To Cool Equipment

Taylor, TX, Cold PlateIf your business relies upon sensitive equipment, you understand that managing their temperatures is key to preventing damage. By taking steps to prevent overheating situations from effecting your servers or other chipsets, you will not require expensive repairs or significant downtime down the line. While traditional air conditioning systems operate effectively, they can require large energy expenditure when waste heat continues to gather. To counter this effect on your bottom line, consider products that take advantage of a passive form of heat exchange. We could design a system of cold plates to place near your machinery to offload their excess thermal waste. By running a tube of liquid through a metal plate, the cooling can take heat away to a sensitive location. This could mean combining your new heat exchanger with other formats such as heat sinks to vastly improve your effectiveness.

At Noren Thermal Solutions, we have been doing business for more than fifty years, helping businesses adapt processes to protect against excess heat production. This could mean monitoring your current production to help plan a thermal management system from the entire beginning of your project. We specialize in helping you exceed expectations to remain confident against the future prospect of a negative heating situation.

Take Advantage Of Our Liquid Form Of Cooling

When we construct a cold plate, we choose a base metal such as aluminum or copper with attractive conductive properties. This means that vast amounts of energy can be absorbed through ambient heat exchange. In the center of the plate is a flow path that allows the tubing to hold a heat-transfer fluid. The plate transfers the excess electrical waste heat into the liquid and it flows further away.

To determine which plate is best for your business, we will conduct a thorough analysis of your application and the forces at play. We often enjoy surprising clients by helping them improve on existing designs as well as introducing high-efficiency, cost-saving thermal management products like our cold plate.

Combining A Heat Sink With Your Cold Plate For Maximum Effectiveness

At Noren, our line of thermal management products can interact with one another to form a more cohesive cooling solution. When it comes to ambient heat exchange, we can combine heat sinks and cold plates to store excess heat waste in safer locations. This means taking advantage of direct contact absorption through a cold plate as well as ambient exchange with heat sinks placed close to electronics. They help absorb heat from the surrounding air.

Talk To The Experts From Noren About A Passive Form Of Heat Exchange

Products such as heat sinks and cold plates help you transfer heat waste without amplifying energy costs. To learn more about how we help you manage waste heat, speak with a valued member of our team at Noren Thermal Solutions at (512)595-5700.

Installing Heat Sinks To Manage Thermal Waste

Taylor, TX, Heat SinkWhen you rely upon sensitive electronic equipment to operate your business, you know that protecting it from various hazards is key to preventing work stoppages and other delays in production. As you install more and more servers to house powerful chips, they tend to give off ample amounts of heat waste. Without proper thermal management, this excess temperature can lead to conditions where the chips begin to fail. This can require significant costs when repairing the damaged parts as well as an inability to continue operations on schedule. Today’s supply chain management issues further mean there is no guarantee that you could receive replacement parts on an acceptable schedule. To properly manage your excess heat and store it in a safer location, we could design a custom set of heat sinks to protect your chips and allow them to run as efficiently as possible. This passive form of thermal control means handling high loads without skyrocketing energy requirements.

At Noren Thermal Solutions, our company has been doing business for over 55 years helping businesses like yours design and implement systems to effectively control excess heat. We know that this area of industrial applications may not be your main concern, so we have made it ours. That means we can take a look at your existing thermal management techniques or help you design an entirely new system from the beginning. After providing consulting services, we can help select from our various products that make this vision a reality. With a heat sink from Noren, you can rest assured that your servers are in good hands.


Creating Heat Exchangers That Protect Your Electronics

Taylor, TX, Heat ExchangerIf you are in charge of a company that relies upon electronic infrastructure to perform your day-to-day operations, you understand how important protecting this equipment can be. As your buildings amass more and more circuitry and servers, investing in electrical cabinetry helps you protect them from outside threats. Animals tend to chew wiring or form nests that can create fire hazards. Similarly, exposed wires can short-circuit when interacting with a leaky roof or other sources. To protect against these possibilities, you must close your electrical cabinets. However, closing the door on your enclosures prevents the heat waste your equipment generates from drifting into the greater environment. As temperatures stay close to their source, your chipsets can overheat, damaging your systems or at the least hampering their productivity. Fortunately, we can provide an ambient cooling system that helps you cool machinery without skyrocketing your energy bill. Compared to a traditional air conditioning system, our products do not significantly increase power bills when helping you manage your excess temperatures.

At Noren Thermal Solutions, we have more than 55 years of experience helping businesses protect themselves from the effects of excess heat waste. While managing these conditions may be unfamiliar territory for you, we have made it our practice to protect your equipment. We can offer consulting services on your current management techniques, or help design systems completely from the bottom up. By combining our advice with the custom products we create for each client, you can make your thermal management system come to life!


Cooling Your Electrical Enclosures

Taylor, Tx, Electrical EnclosuresDoes your business operate sensitive electrical wiring or circuitry that you protect with a cabinet? If so, you understand the importance of sealing these cabinets against external sources of damage. When cabinets are left open, critters can enter and chew wires or form nests that become a fire hazard. Similarly, water can seep into the enclosure and short-circuit your operation, grinding productivity to a halt. To prevent this from happening, you close your cabinets, but this creates a different problem for the efficient operation of your electrical components. Closing a cabinet prevents heat waste from dissipating into the greater area. Kept in a tight container, temperatures rise and threaten to take your chips out of their productive thermal range. To prevent this from happening we could design an air-to-air cooler that fits your cabinet to transfer excess heat elsewhere. Because each business’s designs are unique to their specific circumstances, we provide a variety of custom coolers to fit however you would like. By working with our consultant team, you will feel confident about protecting your sensitive electrical parts!

At Noren Thermal Solutions, we have more than 55 years of experience helping companies like yours protect their equipment from the harms of excess heat waste. Our diverse experiences working with businesses from all different industries means we can customize an air cooler to fit almost any situation you can dream of. If you have a current thermal management setup that you would like to review, we can provide expert advice. We also help companies design cooling solutions from the bottom up. When you understand how ambient cooling works, you can enjoy employing it in your business.


Cooling Your Electronics With A Cold Plate

Taylor, TX, Cold PlateTaking the appropriate measures to protect your sensitive equipment is at the top of any business owner’s mind. When it comes to implementing a thermal management system, your options for cooling electronics can seem vast. By putting into play a system that helps you transfer excess heat to a safer location, you can prevent overheating situations or other similar hazards. This helps your machinery operate in the correct range and protects employees from the dangers of electrical fires. While putting a thermal management system into practice may not be your area of expertise, we have made it ours. By working with a consultant from our team, we can evaluate your current waste heat transfer techniques, or help you design entirely new systems from the bottom up. After putting together a plan, we can offer our line of custom products that help preserve your equipment. Methods like cold plates and heat sinks operate with a passive form of cooling that helps you keep energy bills low. Compared to traditional air conditioning, these systems can provide big savings!

At Noren Thermal Solutions, we have more than 55 years helping companies like yours protect their machinery from the dangers of overheating. If you would like advice on selecting between thermal management systems, we will give a comprehensive overview of your options. After taking your specific factors into account, we can design a custom system to fit almost any configuration of sensitive applications. When you generate excess heat waste, transferring it safely is key!


Controlling Your Temperatures With Heat Sinks

Taylor, TX, Heat SinksKeeping your equipment in the proper temperature range is critical to avoiding hazards and delays that come with overheating. This means that investing in processes that transfer heat waste to a safer location can prevent the need for expensive repairs. While a traditional air conditioning system can get the job done, it can become rather expensive as the heat you generate increases. However, by selecting a more passive form of thermal management, you can keep your equipment cool without requiring significant energy costs. You can serve your bottom line while protecting your computer equipment.

At Noren Thermal Solutions, we have more than half a century of knowledge when it comes to protecting your sensitive equipment from overheating situations. We understand that designing systems to control temperatures may not be your area of expertise, so we have made it ours. We consult with companies to build heat management systems from the bottom up or can look at your existing solutions and recommend areas for improvement. In addition to our consulting practice, we offer a diverse product line to make your plans a reality. In today’s blog, we discuss how heat sinks help you safely store excess temperatures to protect your electronics and chipsets.


Designing Custom Heat Exchangers For Your Business

Taylor, TX, Heat ExchangerDoes your business rely upon sensitive electronic equipment? When you make management decisions or operate your own company, maintaining temperatures in key ranges is critical to protecting these machines. Because excess heat waste can create conditions that destroy your capital infrastructure, planning for this possibility will save your bottom line and prevent many headaches. While you can pursue a variety of different methods for cooling your machinery, our ambient cooling techniques can protect equipment without the need for significant energy investment. This means keeping cool without skyrocketing bills. Traditional industrial air conditioning systems are much like your at-home system in that they draw significant power when heat increases.  By sticking to closed-loop system heat exchangers, we can transfer temperatures to a safer location efficiently. This takes excess warmth away from sensitive electronics so that you do not suffer an overheating situation.

At Noren Thermal Solutions, we have over half a century of experience working with companies like yours to protect their machinery from conditions that produce excess temperatures. While transferring heat waste away from machinery may not be your area of expertise, it is ours. That is why we are happy to consult on your existing thermal management systems or help you design a new one completely. After providing designs for a new system, we can help you select from our line of heat exchanger products to make our designs a reality.



Keeping Electrical Enclosures Cool

Taylor, TX, Electrical EnclosuresIf you are in charge of an operation that relies upon electrical wiring and circuitry, you probably rely on enclosure cabinets to protect your equipment. These useful organizational tools hold your electrical components as well as keep out any environmental hazards that can damage them. By shutting their door, you prevent water damage from seeping in. Creatures that may otherwise chew through wiring or form nests are kept out also. However, by closing these spaces off from the rest of your building, you prevent the waste heat that your machines generate from dissipating into the general air. This can greatly increase temperatures around your sensitive equipment beyond what they can handle. To prevent overheating or other damage to your applications, we can provide an air-to-air cooler that helps you manage heat waste without requiring significant energy inputs. This saves your bottom line compared to traditional air conditioning options while maintaining your electronics. To fit several configurations, we provide coolers that attach both on top or the side of your cabinets.

At Noren Thermal Solutions, we know that managing heat waste may not be your area of expertise. That is why we have been partnering with companies like yours for over fifty years to provide our expert thermal management advice. We can take a look at your current enclosure setup or help design a new one from the ground up. In addition to our consulting services, we offer a diverse product line to help make your thermal management designs a reality. By understanding how ambient cooling systems operate, you can select a system that best protects your equipment.
