Protecting Electrical Cabinets With Air-To-Air Cooling

The man is repairing the switchboard voltage with automatic switches. Electrical backgroundWhen your operation counts on electrical enclosures to safeguard sensitive circuitry and wiring, you understand how important they are to properly maintain. These cabinets help keep out liquids that threaten short-circuiting your equipment as well as invasive creatures that can nest inside. Left open, an enclosure could allow animals like squirrels to chew through wiring, doing an unfortunate amount of damage and leading to rapid work stoppages. But by closing off your cabinets, the waste heat that would dissipate to safer parts of your building now stays near its source. This means that without effective cooling, your applications can begin to overheat. To maintain your circuitry in the appropriate temperature ranges, explore air-to-air options for ambient cooling. These convenient products attach directly on top or the side of your cabinet to direct excess heat to a different location.

At Noren Thermal Solutions, we understand that the maintenance of excess heat waste may not be your area of expertise. That’s why we concentrate on easy-to-implement thermal management systems that allow you to get back to doing what you do best. We have more than half a century of experience working with companies like yours across a vast array of industries. If you are designing a new plant, we offer consulting services to help plan your heat management processes. We also sell products that help you make these plans a reality. When you learn about how ambient cooling can protect your electronics, you can place faith in your enclosures.

Air-To-Air Cooling Protects Your Equipment By Facilitating Temperature Exchange

You install electrical cabinetry to protect sensitive equipment from various environmental dangers that can quickly disrupt your business. From wildlife infestation to water damage, outside threats can quickly destroy your vital electrical components. However, by closing off your cabinetry to protect its contents, you trap significant heat waste that is generated by the majority of electrical infrastructure. As air cannot flow freely, it stays near your equipment, risking overheating without proper transfer.

Protecting Your Cabinets

Ambient air-to-air coolers help manage your heat waste without the high energy expense of a traditional air conditioning system. Our team can design a custom set of coolers to complement the size, shape, and number of your electrical cabinets. We offer drop-in units that connect to the top of enclosures as well as flush-mount units that attach to their side. By installing a heat exchanger, you protect your electronics by transferring waste heat to a different location.

Talk To The Team At Noren About Protecting Your Electrical Enclosures

We can inspect your electrical cabinetry to determine if you are at risk for overheating. To learn more about this method for protecting your important equipment, speak with a member of our team today at Noren Thermal Solutions at (512) 595-5700.