How Does Phase-Change Cooling Work?

Phase-change cooling technology is just one of the many eco-friendly and efficient thermal management methods that modern heat exchangers employ. Along with other methods such as conduction and natural/forced convection, phase-change cooling provides a much more efficient and reliable way to cool electrical enclosures than more conventional air conditioners and air compressors. By utilizing the natural properties of certain cooling fluids (such as water), heat exchangers provide continuous electrical cooling and other thermal management processes in a much safer and more energy-efficient manner. (more…)

How Heat Exchangers Impact Wastewater Treatment

Few industries can say that they haven’t been significantly impacted by the advent of modern heat exchangers. From manufacturing and agriculture to advanced technology and more, innovative thermal management has paved the way for substantial advancement in a number of different areas. Wastewater treatment is one such area, and like electrical thermal management, it’s a consideration that can sometimes be burdensome and costly for companies to keep up with. However, the implementation of heat exchanger technology has impacted wastewater treatment processes as much as any other industry, and the benefits extend well beyond just saving companies money on overall thermal management. (more…)

Safe and Efficient Cooling in Hazardous Applications

Technology that is employed into hazardous locations, like extreme climates or oil and gas fields, have always had to be crafted with several special considerations in mind. Given the volatile environments that they operate in, such technological solutions have to be as safe, sturdy, and reliable as they are efficient and effective. For example, besides successfully keeping electrical enclosures and equipment safe, heat exchangers that operate in hazardous conditions are also designed to ensure a tight and formidable seal against any environmental elements entering the enclosures they’re attached to. This often makes them ideal for the highest performance applications, including those that are located in volatile locations. (more…)

A Greener Way to Prevent Electrical Overheating

When it comes to electrical thermal management, there are several considerations beyond how effectively a system can operate without overheating. For instance, air conditioners can successfully accomplish this goal for prolonged periods of time, but the costs of energy and maintenance associated with them often make them cumbersome in many ways. They also make it more difficult for companies to successfully transform their operations to become greener and more eco-friendly. In addition to reinventing the way electrical enclosures are cooled, heat exchangers also help address the increasingly more pressing concern of going green. (more…)

What Companies Save with the Help of Heat Exchangers

Saving costs has always been a principle of good business, but there are some costs that have historically been a necessary burden. For example, electrical thermal management used to require large air conditioning apparatus that was costly to operate and cumbersome to maintain. However, the need to prevent machinery and equipment from overheating is so great that those costs and frequent maintenance were simply par for the course. For many applications, that all changed with the advent of heat exchangers, which offered even more consistent electrical cooling without the additional costs that come with more conventional methods. (more…)

How Heat Exchangers Cool Control Panels Better

While advanced manufacturing and other forms of technology become increasingly more diverse, they still rely on concepts like electrical enclosures and control panels to power that technology. Because these enclosures and panels hold the most powerful components of electrical equipment, they are often the focal point of a system’s electrical waste heat. Therefore, electrical enclosures and control panels are often the most important focuses of advanced thermal management solutions, such as heat exchangers that effectively and efficiently cool electrical enclosures of all sizes. In most cases, heat exchangers cool control panels better and with higher energy efficiency than other modern thermal management solutions. (more…)

Why More Manufacturers Rely on Heat Exchangers These Days

The faster and more efficient the manufacturing process, the more companies benefit from higher profits and higher quality goods. However, maintaining that quality is about more than just speed, it’s also about making sure every element of the process is optimized, including electrical thermal management. The most powerful manufacturing technologies and equipment have to be properly cooled on a consistent basis. Otherwise, overheating could lead to frequent malfunctions and early breakdowns that end up costing companies much more in the long run. Now, more manufacturers in virtually every industry are relying more heavily on advanced heat exchangers, and these three reasons highlight why. (more…)

Thermal Management Concepts Leading Up to Heat Exchangers

The knowledge that electrical components generate heat and that heat can damage those components if not removed has guided technology’s creation and use for generations. However, the ability to remove that heat effectively and efficiently, with minimal effort and maximum results, hasn’t always been possible. Over the last century, the concepts behind electrical thermal management have changed drastically in every industry. From cooling large electrical equipment and control panels to allowing for smaller, more powerful forms of technology, heat exchangers are today’s go-to for advanced thermal management solutions. Yet, it took a while before they were successful enough to become the norm. (more…)

Why Are Heat Exchangers Considered Eco-Friendly?

With such a wide range of benefits compared to other thermal management solutions, heat exchangers offer enough benefits that it can often be difficult to pinpoint which is the most important. For instance, keeping technology consistently cool is vital to preventing it from overheating, which is essential to any company’s continued operations. However, doing so efficiently and with minimal energy costs is just as important to helping companies keep their overhead manageable enough to afford sustainable growth. Likewise, the low-cost and low-energy benefits of heat exchangers mean they’re also more eco-friendly, which is becoming an increasingly more essential component to operating in the 21st century. (more…)

How Dangerous Is Condensation for Electrical Enclosures?

The trick to implementing effective electrical thermal management solutions isn’t just efficiency, but also the level of protection the solution provides for itself and the enclosure it’s attached to. While that protection most frequently involves ingress protection against environmental factors, including moisture, it also includes some level of defense against any moisture developing within the enclosure and coming into contact with sensitive electrical equipment. Condensation can form within the enclosure from a number of reasons, but for conventional systems like air conditioners, it occurs more frequently. With heat exchangers, companies can do more to effectively protect enclosures from internal condensation as well as other potentially hazardous factors. (more…)