Custom Protection For Your Electrical Enclosures

custom protection taylor txYou depend on your equipment each and every day, and that means that you need to take care of it in order to keep everyone happy. One area where business owners and operators sometimes overlook is their electrical housing, but thermal management in these locations is a vital part of system maintenance and optimization. Your electrical enclosures and cabinets are designed for defense against moisture, dust, and other external concerns, but they can also trap heat, leading to damage to your components and wiring. When you need to keep things cool, take some time to learn about your options and discover the advantages of custom protection.

Here at Noren Thermal Solutions in Taylor, TX, we design and construct quality thermal management systems for businesses of all sizes. For over 55 years, our team has been working tirelessly to craft custom cooling units that work alongside the laws of thermodynamics to give you a better experience and superior protection from heat damage. If it is time to move past your traditional thermal management option, talk to our team about how custom heat exchangers and custom heat pipe assemblies can help you to keep energy costs low while protecting your vulnerable equipment.

Your Enclosures Are Designed To Safeguard, But They Can Trap Heat

Electrical enclosures are built to block out harmful external concerns, protecting your electrical components, wiring, and more from the outside world. They can be great at keeping out moisture and dust, but this also means that thermal energy can become trapped inside, as well. If you open the door to ventilate the area, you lose the value of the enclosure, so you need another solution. When you need an effective thermal management design for your electrical enclosure or cabinet, talk to our team about custom protection in the form of a heat exchanger or a heat pipe assembly.

Take Care Of Your Equipment With Custom Protection

At Noren, our team knows the importance of doing things well, and that is why we design and build custom units to meet your specific needs. For larger enclosures, air-to-air and air-to-water heat exchangers provide a sturdy solution to efficiently maneuver thermal energy away from vulnerable areas. We also create specialized heat pipe assemblies, giving you custom protection where you really need it. If you have been spinning your wheels trying to figure out how to make your traditional thermal management design work, talk to an expert about a different approach.

Find Your Thermal Solution At Noren In Taylor, TX

Are you ready to move past air conditioning or compressed air? To learn more about the advantages of custom protection in your thermal management system, speak with one of our representatives at Noren Thermal Solutions in Taylor, TX at 512-595-5700 today!