Thermal Management Solutions For Data Centers

server farmWhen your business relies upon sophisticated data centers for your day-to-day operation, protecting them from overheating is critical. Failure to anticipate damage from waste heat can cause significant time and unproductive manhours that zap your payroll. That is if you can even get the proper equipment necessary to perform the right repairs. In many instances, heat damage to sensitive circuitry can require total replacement of the equipment. To prevent this from happening, talk to a team of thermal management experts about your options for safeguarding your computers. We have the tools necessary to move waste heat out of electrical enclosures and toward a safer area.

At Noren Thermal Solutions, we have been doing business for over 55 years helping companies like yours manage the production of thermal waste. As the years go on, we find ourselves helping more and more clients take on the protection of their computer equipment. Because your data storage is so important to maintaining your operation, protecting it from any threat is a top priority. To help you best protect your machines, we provide consulting services and heat management products to implement our vision. With a heat sink or air-to-water unit, you can keep temperatures below the point where damage begins. By taking time to explore your thermal management options, you can move forward with planning your new data center.

We Implement Air-To-Water Units that Help Manage Temperatures In Data Servers

Computer equipment requires very specific temperature ranges to operate most effectively. If you gather a significant amount of chipsets into a tight location, they give off waste heat that can fry the circuitry contained within. When this happens, entire systems can go offline, bringing your business to a screeching halt. That’s why we install air-to-water cooling units to offer below-ambient cooling for electrical enclosures. By placing this device near your server, we pump a cooling liquid that absorbs energy from the surrounding area.

Facilitate proper cooling with one of our heat exchangers today. If you are familiar with how heat pipes operate, you know that passive exchange can offer significant benefits without breaking the bank.

Cool Your Computers With A Copper Heat Sink

We install copper heat sinks that absorb waste heat from the air on your circuit boards. While our competitors use cheaper aluminum material to construct their products, our heat sinks enjoy a greater degree of conductivity. If you take pride in your business, choose quality materials to protect your equipment.

Protect Your Data Centers With A Heat Sink From Noren Thermal Solutions

Taking time to anticipate thermal waste production can prevent delays before they even occur. To find out more or schedule a meeting, you can reach a member of our team at Noren Thermal Solutions in Taylor, TX at (512)595-5700.