Main Benefits of Heat Exchangers to Automated Technology

These days, automation is a common component to much of our technology. Everything from farming and manufacturing to medical equipment and consumer products rely on varying levels of automation to help improve productivity and efficiency. In many cases, the widespread of adoption of automated technology is made possible by the advanced thermal management modern heat exchangers provide. Heat exchangers make it possible to consistently cool high-performance, automated technology without drawing on large amounts of energy or requiring constant maintenance. (more…)

When Are Below-Ambient Heat Exchangers Most Effective

Heat exchangers are commonly known for their ability to cool electrical enclosures to just above ambient temperatures, providing continuous thermal management with minimal effort. Sometimes, though, ambient temperatures can be higher than the maximum operating temperature of an electrical system, making ambient heat exchangers ineffective. In such cases, Noren can provide high-performance, below-ambient heat exchangers that offer the same efficiency and cost-effectiveness as ambient units by precisely controlling temperatures to meet the needs of a wide variety of applications. (more…)

Cooling Technology that Operates in Hazardous Locations

Since the introduction of Noren’s Hazloc line of UL-certified heat exchangers, companies that operate in hazardous locations have finally been able to enjoy the cost and energy-saving benefits of heat exchanger technology. In addition to the ability to cool electronics and manufacturing equipment with greater efficiency and reliability, our certified heat exchangers also provide a high level of safety and security for both sensitive equipment and the human personnel that operate it. In industries where safety concerns are heightened due to exceptionally high temperatures, volatile environments, and/or highly combustible materials in the air, Hazloc heat exchangers can help ensure that vital equipment remains effectively protected as well as consistently cooled. (more…)

Heat Exchangers’ Effect on Cleaner Thermal Management

Everything from large manufacturing equipment and electrical control panels to personal computers and handheld devices rely on effective thermal management solutions to operate properly. Until relatively recently, that need for thermal management meant that air conditioning technology was vital for a wide variety of applications. Now, however, the need for more efficient and cost-effective operations, combined with the push for cleaner technology solutions, has made heat exchangers an even more important development in thermal management. With the ability to transfer electrical waste heat through natural means, such as convection, conduction, and phase-change cooling, heat exchangers help companies reduce their overall energy consumption and increase their reliance on other clean technology solutions. (more…)

Thermal Management’s Effect on Productivity

When it comes to increasing productivity, it makes sense to focus on technology and processes that are the biggest drag on efficiency. For companies that still rely on air conditioning for electrical cabinet cooling, that drag is most notably felt in the costs of energy, maintenance, and repairs that often come with it. Air conditioning equipment draws on large amounts of energy to continuously chill the air inside of electrical enclosures. The complicated machinery also requires frequent maintenance to keep it running for its relatively short shelf life, and downtime for repairs and replacement are a necessary burden. (more…)

Benefiting from Heat Exchangers in Wastewater Treatment

Wastewater is a necessary byproduct of several different industrial processes, and what happens to the water after it is treated differs depending on each application. In all cases, however, every piece of equipment used affects the quality of the treated water. Whether that water is released back into the environment or sent through a closed loop to be used for other purposes, these affects can be felt far beyond the treatment process itself. To make that process more efficient and reliable, Noren provides a variety of heat exchangers that can help improve wastewater treatment in several ways. (more…)

Protecting Outdoor Electrical Enclosures During the Winter

The good news about cold weather is that it can make electrical cabinet cooling easier, especially for ambient heat exchangers. However, the cold weather, strong winds, and extra moisture can also lead to increased concerns about the integrity of electrical enclosures that operate outdoors. For instance, overheating may be slightly less of a concern, but if an enclosure and its cooling system aren’t properly sealed against the elements, then things like contamination and condensation can become a significantly greater threat. At Noren Thermal, we offer a wide range of thermal management solutions that are certified to operate in environments that pose unique threats, including conditions that are most common during the winter months. (more…)

Heat Exchangers’ Role in Powering the World

In a world that runs on power, its production and delivery are essential to every aspect of life. Therefore, as heat exchangers continuously change the thermal management field, it’s natural for power companies to take notice and harness the same advantages. Today, heat exchanger technology is used in a variety of applications throughout the power production industry, helping companies streamline operations, lower operating and maintenance costs, and reduce their overall footprints on the environment. (more…)

Heat Exchangers vs. Air Conditioners for Cabinet Cooling

Over the decades, heat exchangers have replaced air conditioning equipment in a variety of thermal management applications, especially for cooling electrical enclosures. However, there may be times when air conditioning could prove a better option. To be sure, the experts at Noren can perform a comprehensive analysis to determine a system’s specific operating needs. Then, considering the relative pros and cons of each option, they can recommend or design the most appropriate thermal management solution. (more…)

The Importance of Thermal Management in Modern Farming

In everything from large farming equipment to food packaging and shipping, thermal management is a vital part of today’s farming industry. To help make the industry a more efficient and eco-friendly one, many farmers are turning to heat exchanger technology for a variety of thermal management needs. From saving costs to increasing yields and improving the quality of the nation’s food supply, heat exchangers continue to play an increasingly more important role in modern farming. (more…)