Thermal Management Needs that Most Industries Share

While every company faces its own unique challenges, there are certain issues that are common among every industry. Thermal management is one of the most significant of those common challenges. The specific thermal management needs a company faces and how it decides to address them depend on many different factors. However, things like electrical cooling for control cabinets and other electrical enclosures, or consistent heating for processes such as wastewater treatment, are hurdles that they all face. Such common thermal management needs are also typically addressed most efficiently with modern, high-performance heat exchangers. (more…)

More than Manufacturing – The Everyday Uses of Heat Exchangers

Manufacturing technology and equipment is well-known for its high demands on energy and maintenance. It’s also well-known how significantly heat exchangers can lower those demands in the realm of electrical thermal management. However, those same benefits make heat exchangers more common than many people realize, especially when it comes to everyday household items that they may not realize operate on heat exchanger technology. In fact, everything from food and beverage refrigeration to cooling advanced electronics have benefited from the adaptation of modern heat exchanger technology. (more…)

Can Heat Exchangers Really Affect Productivity?

One of the biggest reasons why heat exchangers have been so widely adopted over the last few decades is because they significantly lower energy costs by cooling electrical enclosures more efficiently than air conditioners. Given a company’s reliance on technology, especially in the manufacturing industry, it should be no surprise that the ability to more efficiently cool that technology can significantly benefit a company’s output. However, the many ways in which heat exchangers’ efficiency impacts a company’s overall productivity isn’t always as obvious until after they’ve been implemented. (more…)

Meeting Complex Cooling Challenges with Simple Heat Transfer

The fact that most industries have implemented heat exchanger-cooled technologies is a testament to the many ways in which the technology has streamlined thermal management. Yet, companies who haven’t may not always realize the ways in which heat exchangers simplify thermal management and overcome many of the most common challenges. The secret to their success lies in the simpler and more efficient ways in which they prevent electrical overheating. Instead of forcing the temperature down with chilled, air-conditioned air, heat exchangers simply transfer electrical waste heat before it can collect into harmful pockets. This involves processes such as natural/forced convection, conduction, and phase-change cooling, which provides a number of different essential advantages. (more…)

How to Make Pharmaceutical Manufacturing More Efficient

In every industry, electrical thermal management plays a vital role in a company’s continued operations. Usually, that importance lies in the need for efficiently eliminating electrical waste heat so that vital technology doesn’t over heat. In some instances, however, thermal management plays several different but equally important roles. For example, in pharmaceutical manufacturing, essential technology also needs electrical thermal management. However, the processes required to produce quality products and maintain that quality throughout the packaging and shipping processes requires equally efficient and reliable ways to manage heat. (more…)

How Heat Exchangers Utilize Thermosyphons to Transfer Heat

While there are several ways to address the many thermal management challenges that can arise with any application, the concept of a thermosyphon has become an increasingly more popular one. Thermosyphons describe innovative heat transfer mechanisms that combine phase-change cooling principles with the force of gravity to create an eco-friendly, closed-loop system for eliminating electrical waste heat. Today, we examine how the method occurs and how heat exchangers utilize thermosyphon technology to provide efficient, reliable, and highly effective electrical thermal management solutions to all industries. (more…)

Why Heat Exchangers Come in a Variety of Designs

Technology has become more than just an advantage to the biggest and wealthiest companies. Now, businesses of all sizes rely on advanced technology of all forms for everything from administrative work to large-scale manufacturing operations and everything between. Because all technologies rely on appropriate thermal management to prevent overheating, heat exchangers have been created in an increasingly wider variety of designs to meet those needs efficiently. This helps ensure that increasingly more types of advanced technology can function properly and provide the results they were designed for. (more…)

Reasons Why Food & Beverage Companies Use Heat Exchangers

Food and beverage companies invest in advanced technology for the same reasons that other industries do – it’s necessary to remain productive and successful in increasingly more competitive markets. Besides meeting increasing demands for products and services, that competitive edge also includes keeping costs manageable and optimizing employee productivity. For many food and beverage companies, heat exchangers are an important part of their technological investments, allowing them to streamline thermal management and other traditionally costly and/or cumbersome processes. (more…)

The Energy Efficiency of Modern Heat Exchangers

After implementing heat exchangers for their electrical thermal management needs, companies often immediately realize the benefits in terms of increased productivity and streamlined operations. Over time, however, one of the greatest and most impactful benefits is the level of energy efficiency that heat exchangers provide. Thanks to their innovative heat transfer methods and other thermal management concepts, heat exchangers allow operations to dramatically reduce their energy consumption without sacrificing their ability to consistently keep vital equipment and technology operating properly. (more…)

Considerations that Come with Cooling Electrical Enclosures

Electrical thermal management has long been both a challenge and an avenue for innovation when it comes to technology and industrial applications. The more powerful technology and machinery becomes, the more important it is to control the waste heat that it emits. Also, the more of an impact that malfunctioning technology will have on any given company’s operational costs and productivity. Given the many considerations that come with cooling electrical enclosures, heat exchangers are among the most efficient ways for companies to address them all without spending exorbitant amounts of capital just on thermal management. (more…)