Effectively Cooling Electrical Enclosures

electrical enclosures taylor txYour electrical enclosures serve as protective shields for sensitive components and wiring. However, their effectiveness can sometimes backfire, and this can mean big problems for your business. When they become too efficient at sealing, they inadvertently trap heat generated by the enclosed equipment. This excess heat buildup can lead to damage, affecting performance and longevity. Just simply opening the enclosure door might not provide enough ventilation, especially if you’re still relying on conventional thermal management methods. When you want a thermal management system that you can trust, talk to our team about your options.

Located in Taylor, TX, Noren Thermal Solutions has been a trusted name for over 55 years, and our skilled engineers and designers specialize in crafting high-quality thermal management systems. Whether your business is large or small, we’ve honed our expertise to keep your wiring and components safe from heat-related issues through efficient and cost-effective means. Our air-to-air and air-to-water heat exchangers efficiently transfer heat away from critical equipment, working alongside the laws of thermodynamics, rather than fighting against them. If you are looking for effective cooling solutions, reach out to our team to learn more about the advantages of better thermal management. Give us a call today, and let’s discuss how heat exchangers can benefit your specific needs!

Your Electrical Enclosures Can Trap Heat, Leading To Damage

While it’s designed to keep out the elements, electrical enclosures can sometimes be a little too effective at making a seal between the enclosed area and the outside world. When heat starts to accumulate within an enclosure, it often has nowhere to go, becoming trapped. As this continues, the temperature in and around your vulnerable equipment can start to rise.

This means that you need to have an effective thermal management system in place to protect your wiring and components from heat damage. If you are still trying to leave the enclosure door open to provide adequate ventilation, talk to our team about your options.

Cooling Equipment With Air-To-Air and Air-To-Water Heat Exchangers

When it comes to effective thermal management, heat exchangers are workhorses that can pass even the toughest of tests. Here at Noren, we produce both air-to-air and air-to-water heat exchangers, giving you the choice between ambient and below-ambient cooling. If this sounds foreign to you, take the time to talk to our team about the differences between each of these, so you can make the choice that’s right for your business.

Find Out More With Noren Thermal Solutions

If it is time to upgrade or replace your existing thermal management system, talk to our team about your options. To find out more about effective thermal management for electrical enclosures, give us a call at Noren Thermal Solutions in Taylor, TX at 512-595-5700 today!