Your Enclosure Housing Can Trap Heat

trap heat taylor txYour electrical enclosures are designed to keep your components and wiring safe from the elements, and sometimes, they can be a little too effective at their job. These can trap heat within their housing, leading to a buildup of thermal energy, causing damage to the vulnerable equipment inside. Sometimes, opening the door to your enclosure is not enough to provide adequate ventilation, and if you are still relying on traditional methods of thermal management, protecting your equipment can become pricey in a hurry.

Here at Noren Thermal Solutions in Taylor, TX, our team offers you another way to handle your heat. For over 55 years, our skilled engineers and designers have been crafting quality thermal management systems for businesses of all shapes and sizes, and since 1968, we have learned some things about how to do it safely and efficiently. When you need to keep your wiring and components protected from heat buildup, talk to our team about our air-to-air and air-to-water heat exchangers. To find out more about how heat exchangers can help you, give us a call today!

Your Electrical Protection Can Actually Trap Heat Within

You try your best to keep your electronics and wiring safe from the elements, and that often means employing an electrical enclosure. As electricity flows through your components, however, they start to heat up, and you need to make sure that you have the right system in place to provide enough ventilation to keep them safe. When your housing begins to trap heat, it can lead to serious damage, and potentially even become a fire hazard.

This means that it is important to take the time to learn about your thermal management options. Traditional methods such as air conditioning and compressed air can be expensive, and they can also turn out to be unreliable. With a more efficient way of doing things, you have the opportunity to keep energy consumption down while keeping your equipment safe.

Custom Heat Exchangers Provide Serious Thermal Management Protection

When you need a workhorse to safeguard your electrical enclosures, heat exchangers could be your solution. These work alongside the laws of thermodynamics, rather than fighting against them, bringing you a more effective solution than traditional thermal management like air conditioning.

Our team offers a full range of heat exchanger options, both ambient and below ambient. We can also create custom systems designed to meet your specific needs. This can be a great way to ensure that you have the right protection for your equipment.

Learn More With Noren Thermal Solutions

If it is time to move beyond air conditioning or compressed air, ask about a better way of doing things. To find out more about how ambient and below-ambient heat exchangers can help you keep your electrical components and wiring safe, give us a call at Noren Thermal Solutions in Taylor, TX at 512-595-5700 today!