Reliable Cooling For Medical Applications

medical applications taylor txIn certain fields, the choice in equipment protection can mean more than reliable performance. If you work in the pharmaceutical or medical device arena, then you know how important it is that you do the job right. Lives depend on you making those key decisions, and cutting corners in thermal management for medical applications can become a big problem. That’s why our team designs quality heat sinks, air-to-water heat exchangers, and more, so you can know that you have the right regulation in place.

With our thermal energy experts at Noren Thermal Solutions in Taylor, TX, you have the power of experience on your side. Since 1968, our team has been working tirelessly to develop state-of-the-art thermal management solutions that ensure that you regulate temperatures effectively within and around your vital systems. When your production handles people’s health, it is crucial to put the right emphasis into safety and efficacy, and making the wrong thing can put your consumers at risk. Talk to our team at Noren today about how we can help you to deliver quality pharmaceuticals and medical devices!

Using Heat Pipes To Protect Medical Electronics

When it comes to thermal management for medical applications, there are two primary forms of cooling available to keep your equipment safe. The first is called active cooling, which requires external power consumption to force thermal energy away from vulnerable areas and into a safer location. The other is passive cooling, which needs no power to effectively transfer and exchanger thermal energy. Both of these have value, and it is important to talk to an expert about the differences between the two.

For instance, heat pipes are a popular form of passive cooling that relies on phase-change technology. These are fully sealed pipes that contain a working fluid such as water or ammonia. As the fluid heats, it starts to evaporate, and the gas travels to the other end of the heat pipe. In this safer location, the working fluid cools and returns to the original point, without the use of excessive power consumption.

Maintain Efficacy With Strict Temperature Control

If you develop pharmaceutical products, such as life-saving vaccines and biologics, you need to keep a close eye on the heat that your equipment creates. These products require strict thermal regulation in order to make sure that the materials work as intended, and if your current cooling system is unreliable, your products might be, as well. With our air-to-air and air-to-water heat exchangers, you can have a dependable and cost-effective solution.

Find Your Thermal Solution For Medical Applications

If you have questions about the effectiveness of your thermal management for pharmaceutical products like vaccines and biologics, or if you create medical devices, talk to our team about your options. To find out more about thermal management for medical applications, give us a call at Noren Thermal Solutions in Taylor, TX at 512-595-5700.