Custom Cold Plates In Automation

It goes without saying that production needs are going to vary from industry to industry, and because of this, a one-size-fits-all approach is mostly obsolete. Indeed, there are many factors to take into consideration when determining an ideal thermal management solution. These can range from physical location to the type of environment and everything else in-between. In today’s blog, the team at Noren Thermal Solutions in Taylor, TX will take a deeper look at industries that utilize automation, and how custom cold plates can ensure proper function.

Maintaining Proper Function

Industries that utilize automation to perform a task or function contain a unique set of parameters. Indeed, automation can vary from company to company depending on their needs, and it is defined as a wide range of technologies that are intended to minimize or reduce human intervention in the process.

An example of automation includes mechanical devices that perform a function, such as placing a cap on a toothpaste tube. The goal is to reduce human intervention in order to speed up cycle times, increase yield, and allow for less variance in quality.

As you can imagine, ensuring proper function requires an understanding of your equipment’s needs as well as how to maintenance your devices. If even a single automation application is exposed to corrosive liquids or, in most cases, overheating, the results can be enough to bring down an entire line. To best address this concern, we turn to thermal management solutions and capabilities.

Thermal management is the process of regulating internal temperatures within an application through natural or forced air cooling practices. Each application is different, and therefore, requires different methods to do so. To learn more about this process, reach out to our team today.

Benefits of Natural Technologies

When servicing equipment used for automation, we have found great success through the implementation of cold plate use. Liquid cold plates are comprised of metal plates connected by a small tube through which liquid is applied to achieve effective cooling throughout by moving waste heat that is produced.

Our liquid cold plates utilize natural technologies such as phase-change methods, in which a fluid (often water) is used to absorb the waste heat and move it to another area. To learn more about this process, speak to a representative from our team today.

Cooling Entire Applications

We recognize the important role automation devices play in your overall yield and production, and we aim to make this process more consistent through the help of thermal management solutions. Indeed, our custom designs help address your specific needs, and we are ready to get started when you are.

Speak with Our Team

Contact Noren Thermal Solutions in Taylor, TX by calling 512-595-5700 to learn more about the importance of consistency in automation, and speak with a member of our team today.