When you work in the world of plastic manufacturing, then you need to keep a close eye on the temperatures in and around your vital equipment. Even a degree or two can mean significant changes, and in a complex mold, that could spell disaster for a batch. By working alongside a trusted thermal management team to find a better way than traditional options, you can experience efficient plastic production, achieving more in less time.
Here at Noren Thermal Solutions in Taylor, TX, we design and develop quality cooling concepts for a range of industries. And we know that plastic manufacturing is an area where we can help you accomplish more. With solutions like air-to-air heat exchangers, you can use the laws of thermodynamics to your advantage; similarly, heat pipes are an effective way to transport and transfer thermal energy. Thermal pins are specific heat pipes that have been crafted specifically for your industry, and they can be a real advantage for you and your business.
Ready to make a move? Talk to Noren about thermal pin technology!