Preventing Overheating In Electrical Enclosures

engineer protecting electrical enclosure

To best protect your electronics and circuitry, you must often close the cabinets that warehouse them. When an electrical enclosure is open, it freely sends waste heat into the surrounding environment, but this also exposes your sensitive equipment to hazardous water damage or nesting critters. By closing your cabinets, you can prevent these dangers from coming inside but prevent waste heat from escaping. To prevent your equipment from overheating, you must install a thermal management system that transfers energy to a safer location. By working with our team, we can help you keep your equipment safe and prevent the stress that comes with overheating.

At Noren Thermal Solutions, we focus on protecting against thermal damage to your electronics so you can focus on what you do best. Working with companies like yours for over fifty years, we have developed a range of products to fit almost any size or configuration of electrical enclosures. If you are planning a new factory or would like us to inspect your current setup, we can assist at any step of the design phase.

Keeping Your Temperatures In Range To Protect Your Electric Equipment

Your electrical enclosures play a vital role in protecting your equipment from a variety of dangers that could grind your business to a halt. Because electronic components are easily damaged by interactions with water, safeguarding them inside a cabinet is critical to reducing the likelihood of exorbitant repair costs. More than just protection for equipment, they also place a buffer between your workers and harmful interactions with electricity. But by sandwiching your chipsets and wiring so closely together, they can put off a significant amount of heat in a relatively small place. Without moving this energy to another location, you can quickly experience lag or permanent damage.

Overheating not only places your equipment at risk, but electrical fires become serious hazards for your employees. This means that the proper approach to thermal management is critical for workplace safety.

Transferring Excess Heat With Ambient Cooling Units

Our air-to-air systems help you reduce the need for more expensive traditional air conditioning systems. Depending on the number, size, and location of your electrical enclosures, we can design a unit to fit any custom situation. A flush-mount unit can attach to the sides of your enclosure, while a drop-in unit simply attaches on top. By planning for your heat waste, you protect your equipment from the possibility of overheating.

Talk To The Team At Noren About Safeguarding Your Enclosures

We can help you protect your cabinets with an air-to-air system. To learn more about this method for protecting electronic equipment from overheating, speak with a member of our team today at Noren Thermal Solutions at (512) 595-5700.