Air To Air Thermal Management Solutions

Air To Air Thermal ManagementWhen it comes to protecting your circuitry and wires from outside elements and internal heat, your electrical enclosures offer vital protection. They help you organize your equipment while preventing animals from creating nests amongst your wiring. Proper protection prevents critters from chewing up equipment, creating production delays, and requiring costly repairs to get back online. These cabinets help you conduct the heat that your chips produce away to a safer location to protect you from overheating. To take advantage of this versatile protection, speak to a representative today!

At Noren Thermal Solutions, we have over fifty years of experience helping companies like yours implement strategies to protect their equipment from waste heat. Our air-to-air heat exchangers help you protect your electrical components by transferring thermal waste away from sensitive areas to keep your operation running smoothly. We could take a look at your existing setup to determine if it is up to par or requires improvement to handle your cooling requirements. Because thermal management is our area of expertise, by relying on a solution from Noren, you can get back to yours.

Transferring Waste Heat From Your Enclosures With An Air-To-Air Heat Exchanger

When any electrical component is operating, it creates waste heat that must be handled to prevent your system from overheating. By taking the time to understand your cooling needs, we can help design and place a heat exchanger that offers the strength necessary to handle your demands. Our versatile product offerings can complement your current thermal management designs, or we could build a new one entirely from the ground up!

Our air-to-air heat exchangers use ambient cooling technology to transfer waste heat while keeping energy requirements low. This can provide a much more efficient alternative solution to other air conditioning methods.

Helping Your Company Grow By Anticipating Your Cooling Needs

As you begin to scale your operation, the cooling requirements of your electrical systems can become more complex. To prevent overheating from halting your production, we can perform a design analysis to anticipate your future cooling needs as you grow.

As the configuration of your electrical cabinets becomes more complex, we can offer a range of customized product sizes that match the specific shape and location of your setups. By providing both drop-in and flush mount options, we can place an air-to-air heat exchanger for almost any cabinet you like.

Talk With The Experts From Noren Thermal Solutions About Our Air-To-Air Systems

By taking advantage of ambient cooling technology, you can protect your electronics from waste heat without significantly driving up your cooling costs. This means that replacing your current air conditioners could unlock serious savings for your bottom line. To learn more, speak with a member of our team at Noren Thermal Solutions at (512)595-5700.