Cooling Your Circuitry And Wires

circuit concept

Your electrical enclosures are key to safeguarding your circuitry and wiring. They both organize your electronic equipment as well as keep out critters that can destroy them by chewing wires or building nests. Because your electronics can create significant waste heat, it is vital to keep your enclosures cool to ensure that your operation continues running smoothly. With the proper solution to thermal management, you can keep animals out, prevent water damage, and cool your equipment to prevent disruptions.

By speaking with a representative from Noren Thermal Solutions, you can learn your options for protecting your electronic equipment. Our range of products can custom-fit many different sizes and configurations of enclosures. We can consult with you to determine whether or not your existing system is sufficient for your cooling needs. By relying on our advice, you can get back to running your business with the knowledge that your electronic wiring is protected. With over fifty years of experience helping businesses like yours, you can count on the team at Noren.

Air-To-Air Heat Exchangers Help You Handle Your Waste Heat

Because your electrical systems generate waste heat, they require transporting it away from your circuitry to allow it to continue operating. When you understand your cooling requirements, you can place a heat exchanger that best protects your applications. When we see your current setup, we can design a system that complements your existing system or build a new one entirely from the ground up.

By placing air-to-air heat exchangers, we help you move your heat away from the enclosure while keeping a tight seal against any animals or potential water damage. Using ambient cooling technology, this product moves waste heat through a specially designed heat pipe core to the air outside of your enclosure.

Helping Your Business Scale To Your Future Demands

When your company is growing, so do the requirements of the electrical systems that grow to match your demands. Designing these systems can seem rather complex, and by failing to keep up, your productivity could halt. Fortunately, our team offers design analysis to help you implement solutions that take into consideration your need for proper cooling.

As your electrical cabinets continue to grow, we can select from a range of different product sizes that match the size of your cabinet. For air-to-air heat exchangers, we offer both drop-in and flush mount options that match your enclosure.

Speak With The Experts From Noren Thermal Solutions About Quality Air-To-Air Systems

An ambient cooling system can move heat away from your electronics without drawing upon a significant amount of power. This means you can replace your current air conditioners to serve your bottom line as you increase cooling capacity. To learn more, speak with a member of our team at Noren Thermal Solutions at (512)595-5700.